The Black Cleaver is a very good item, as it grants Kha'Zix all the core stats he needs to perform his role as an assassin.
When going top, its possible to get a Spirit of the Elder Lizard. The DoT passive is good for exchanging damage in lane, and the increased damage on monsters helps when you steal camps from the enemy jungler.
It is a good idea to get Mercurial Scimitar if laning against heavy magic damage dealers such as Rumble or heavy crowd control champions like Zac.
When laning in mid lane, consider buying a Hexdrinker against burst mages such as Leblanc or Brand to help you survive their combo, then later upgrade it to Maw of Malmortius for better assassination.
Building Trinity Force on Kha'Zix if you are doing well is an excellent choice. Because of its movement speed boost, damage-multiplier and higher crit chance it synergises well with his two main damage sources: his auto-attacks and his Taste Their Fear.
Trinity Force also procs the damage buff every time you activate Void Assault, if you wait for the two-second cooldown of the item between one activation and another. So if you evolve Active Camouflage, when you use your ultimate you'll get three bursts of damage within 4-5 seconds.
However, if going a more defensive route, Iceborn Gauntlet can be very effective with the added armor and cooldown reduction, and is a great alternative if you can't get the gold for a Trinity Force fast enough. The added slow can also help isolate champions better by zoning them out and focusing in on them.
Kha'Zix benefits much more from spell vamp than he does from lifesteal.
Out of all the spell vamp items, the one most viable at the moment on Kha'Zix is Hextech Gunblade. Although AP should not be a priority on him, it is by no means wasted thanks to the strong heal from Void Spike and the damage from Unseen Threat, both of which he should be constantly procing. He can build a Bilgewater Cutlass early, and it can be upgraded to Hextech Gunblade later in the game when cost efficiency is not that much of an issue. Apart from the stats, the active from both items is very useful.
Spirit Visage provides cheap mid-game stats and gives additional healing from Void Spike and any lifesteal or spell vamp you have built.
The Bloodthirster can be an impressively devastating item to stack on Kha'Zix as with a few fully stacked Taste Their Fear will easily achieve 1000+ base damage on isolated targets.
Stacking The Bloodthirster will also grant massive sustain from a few auto attacks, but be wary, as they are no substitution for defensive items if you can't survive the initial retaliation from enemies.
A lack of movement speed could also be a possible downside to this strategy requiring a skilled use of brush and Unseen Threat to keep meatier enemies in range.
Tiamat is great on jungling with Kha'Zix, along with ganks. The extra attack damage scales with his abilities, and the 60% splash damage helps isolate larger jungle creeps in order to maximize damage. Also, the splash damage increases the chance of isolating a ganked target, increasing your damage against them. Upgrading it into a Ravenous Hydra can be very effective for mid-late game fights.
However, do be aware Kha'Zix relies on taking down targets who are isolated away from their team, so the splash damage may be less effective if going for an assassin play style.
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