lørdag 15. februar 2014
torsdag 13. februar 2014
torsdag 6. februar 2014
build usage

Trinity Force also procs the damage buff every time you activate
Void Assault, if you wait for the two-second cooldown of the item between one activation and another. So if you evolve Active Camouflage, when you use your ultimate you'll get three bursts of damage within 4-5 seconds.
- However, if going a more defensive route,
Iceborn Gauntlet can be very effective with the added armor and cooldown reduction, and is a great alternative if you can't get the gold for a
Trinity Force fast enough. The added slow can also help isolate champions better by zoning them out and focusing in on them.

- Out of all the spell vamp items, the one most viable at the moment on
Kha'Zix is
Hextech Gunblade. Although AP should not be a priority on him, it is by no means wasted thanks to the strong heal from
Void Spike and the damage from
Unseen Threat, both of which he should be constantly procing. He can build a
Bilgewater Cutlass early, and it can be upgraded to
Hextech Gunblade later in the game when cost efficiency is not that much of an issue. Apart from the stats, the active from both items is very useful.

- Stacking
The Bloodthirster will also grant massive sustain from a few auto attacks, but be wary, as they are no substitution for defensive items if you can't survive the initial retaliation from enemies.
- A lack of movement speed could also be a possible downside to this strategy requiring a skilled use of brush and
Unseen Threat to keep meatier enemies in range.

- However, do be aware
Kha'Zix relies on taking down targets who are isolated away from their team, so the splash damage may be less effective if going for an assassin play style.

Wukong packs decent damage with armor reduction and gap closing; it's possible to build him as a pure fighter as an ADCarry, a pure tank, or a semi-tank with major burst damage. With tanky builds and strong attack damage items, he can start teamfights quite well, making him rather versatile. Note that this disregards any AP builds as only his
Decoy scales in AP, and it's generally unneeded for any damage.
Given that the bonus damage from
Crushing Blow affects both towers and inhibitors,
Wukong, together with a
Sheen (or
Trinity Force) and cooldown reduction can push a lane surprisingly quickly.
In general, building defensive items with
Trinity Force works well on
Wukong. Keep in mind that
Stone Skin gives him armor and magic resistance naturally and effective use of his
Decoy can help him avoid being targeted so high amounts of defense might not be necessary.
Cooldown reduction is a good stat for
Wukong, allowing him to maintain the armor reduction debuff from his
Crushing Blow on an opponent and the attack speed steroid of his
Nimbus Strike on himself.
The Bloodthirster is a strong item pick as
Wukong scales well with attack damage. Because
The Bloodthirster offers purely offensive stats, it should be saved until
Wukong can survive an enemy encounter.
Wukong deals mainly physical damage that can be countered by armor and his
Crushing Blow grants armor reduction by a percentage, armor penetration and armor reduction items can increase his damage output.
The Black Cleaver now syncs very well with
Cyclone as it can reach full stacks in just 1 seconds into his ultimate while the enemy is still knocked up, provided you do the
Nimbus Strike and
Crushing Blow combo beforehand. Because of this, early game laning can revolve around
Wukong sustaining off of
The Brutalizer for most of early game, due to armor penetration and cooldown reduction.
Ravenous Hydra can be a powerful early game item to build for him, as the life steal and unique passive/active with its AoE crowd-clearing can help him farm mid/late-game, as well as tack on some extra damage. The aforementioned life steal can also support Wukong's passive, though at a cost, it's not as damaging as the aforementioned
The Bloodthirster and other items that provide both life steal and attack damage, so keep this in mind. Used in conjunction with such items however can be effective.
Boots of Swiftness can be a good choice for
Wukong, as it reduces the effectiveness of slows and speeds up your escape when using
Decoy, meaning the enemy will already be too far from you to see you after
Decoy ends.
For anything
Wukong can tank with, what he can build can depend on the types of boots he first purchases: (This can vary depending on one's playstyle.)

Sheen and later on
Trinity Force synergizes with
Crushing Blow will lead to a surprising amount of burst damage.
- If spread out enough, you can get two
Sheen hits when you dash in with a
Nimbus Strike ->
Crushing Blow combo.

Aegis of the Legion is a good pick against a balanced enemy team. It grants some health regeneration, armor and magic resistance, scaling well with
Stone Skin. The aura is also useful in aiding allies, as well as making the team generally tankier. It can also be built into
Locket of the Iron Solari for more tankiness.
Sunfire Cape gives him excellent defense and some additional damage while he is persisting in a fight. On the other hand, enemies damaged by the aura will know that he's right next to them, so they can guess his position during stealth and well-coordinated teams can tag him with skillshots easily. Its particle animation also resets upon using
Banshee's Veil or
Maw of Malmortius also gives him excellent defense against bursty magic damage dealers. In the case of the latter, if built with tanky HP items, then the missing health can greatly benefit for extra damage.
- An alternative for MR is
Mercurial Scimitar to combine with the movement speed from
Trinity Force for even better chasing.
- With
Trinity Force,
Sunfire Cape, and
Banshee's Veil all giving health,
Atma's Impaler is a great late game item on
Wukong to leverage his defenses into more offnsive power.
Frozen Mallet in particular works well for this.
Ninja Tabi is also a good choice for
Wukong in the case of armor builders.
- Due to
Wukong's likeliness to
Garen, the aforementioned
Sunfire Cape can also give extra damage to both their spinning abilities,
Judgment and

Youmuu's Ghostblade is a great item for
Wukong as it will help keep him next to the opponent and gives all the stats he needs by adding extra armor penetration and cooldown reduction.
Zeke's Herald offers a good combination of stats if you need a life steal item that isn't
The Bloodthirster.
Frozen Heart offers a lot of armor and some mana in addition to cooldown reduction.

- The active from
Youmuu's Ghostblade can help increase
Wukong's DPS usage without buying too many attack speed items.
Last Whisper combined with
Crushing Blow can drop an enemy to 30% of their armor but because it offers strictly offensive stats, it should be only be considered once opponents get exceptionally tanky. It can be used with the bonus effect from
Nimbus Strike for more attack speed rushdown.

- The active from
Ravenous Hydra can be a great compliment to
Crushing Blow as they both reset autoattacks, though the Hydra's active recovers quicker. Using these in conjunction can prove hard to stop if timing is mastered and the foe is being assaulted upon with need of quick attacks.
- Life steal items should mainly be first considered when jungling with
Wukong, since his juke potential is very strong for ganking (while taking into the consideration of the monsters' armor stats in comparison to the minions).

Ninja Tabi is built as the boots of choice, then
Banshee's Veil (for extra protection) or a
Spirit Visage (for more regen and cooldown reduction) is the way to go.
- If
Mercury's Treads was built instead, then
Sunfire Cape (for more damage) or a
Randuin's Omen (for teamfights and chasing) is the choice.'
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