torsdag 6. februar 2014


build usage

The Black Cleaver is a very good item, as it grants Kha'Zix all the core stats he needs to perform his role as an assassin.
  • When going top, its possible to get a Spirit of the Elder Lizard. The DoT passive is good for exchanging damage in lane, and the increased damage on monsters helps when you steal camps from the enemy jungler.
  • It is a good idea to get Mercurial Scimitar if laning against heavy magic damage dealers such as Rumble or heavy crowd control champions like Zac.
  • When laning in mid lane, consider buying a Hexdrinker against burst mages such as Leblanc or Brand to help you survive their combo, then later upgrade it to Maw of Malmortius for better assassination.
  • Building Trinity Force on Kha'Zix if you are doing well is an excellent choice. Because of its movement speed boost, damage-multiplier and higher crit chance it synergises well with his two main damage sources: his auto-attacks and his Taste Their Fear.
  • Kha'Zix benefits much more from spell vamp than he does from lifesteal.
  • Spirit Visage provides cheap mid-game stats and gives additional healing from Void Spike and any lifesteal or spell vamp you have built.
  • The Bloodthirster can be an impressively devastating item to stack on Kha'Zix as with a few fully stacked Taste Their Fear will easily achieve 1000+ base damage on isolated targets.
  • Tiamat is great on jungling with Kha'Zix, along with ganks. The extra attack damage scales with his abilities, and the 60% splash damage helps isolate larger jungle creeps in order to maximize damage. Also, the splash damage increases the chance of isolating a ganked target, increasing your damage against them. Upgrading it into a Ravenous Hydra can be very effective for mid-late game fights.

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