Build usage
Build usage
- Riven's entire kit benefits from bonus attack damage. Building heavy attack damage items will not only help maximize her damage, but also increase her survivability through Valor.
- As such, you will probably at least want to get The Bloodthirster or Ravenous Hydra, which deals more damage overall (active included).
- Riven benefits heavily from cooldown reduction which will allow her to use all her moves more frequently. However, at later levels, Riven is likely to have at least one of her abilities available for use even without cooldown reduction due to prefering to take her time to autoattack between casts and the cooldown of Broken Wings starting even if you delay the later two casts of it, which make the stat less needed then.
- With this being said items such as The Brutalizer and Ionian Boots of Lucidity are good items for her.
- Having a way to slow the enemy or speed yourself up is mandatory on Riven.
- However, Riven is very good at dealing damage while chasing as Broken Wings moves Riven forward both doing damage and giving her an opportunity to get in basic attacks without losing too much distance. The dash distance is unaffected by Riven's movement speed, so building movement speed items are not as important on Riven as on most other melee champions.
- A Frozen Mallet is good for this, since you will be using auto attacks in between abilities to maximize your passive (none of your abilities will otherwise proc the slow). It also gives you health which is a must since Riven is squishy when stunned, sealed, blinded, or otherwise prevented from auto attacking or using her Valor or Broken Wings to escape and/or shield.
- Randuin's Omen works very well on Riven as while she may have four ways to dash, they are all short-ranged and Broken Wings loses damage if used fairly far-away from the enemy, and she is still a melee champion that can be damaged by ranged champions without reprisal until she gets close enough. Valor can move Riven close enough to a target to slow them with Randuin's Omen and then walk close enough to have casting Broken Wings move her into melee-range while damaging the target.
- Guardian Angel is an excellent one-stop defensive item, and its passive as well both armor and magic resistance can tide Riven for a good while before she may require other defensive items.
- Guardian Angel works well with The Bloodthirster, as the former provides a main source of durability and the latter gives a main source of damage.
- Maw of Malmortius is sensible for Riven if she is fearing magic damage - the attack damage is obviously useful on her while the shield and passive works well with Valor and the life steal from The Bloodthirster in helping you survive a bit longer in a close-fight.
- Riven does only physical damage, so a Last Whisper is a good item to counter the armor that should be built against you.
- The Black Cleaver is also a great item on Riven, as Riven can easily stack its passive with her combos, not to mention the extra 200 health and the 10% CDR the item gives are very useful.
- Riven is a fairly squishy champion. Grabbing Doran's Shield, or Cloth Armor/ Boots of Speed and a few Health Potions into a match will help your survivability early on. Later these can be built into your boots of choice, or Madred's Razors/ Wriggle's Lantern.
- Riven's damage output is severely hampered by crowd control since it will disrupt your flurry. Consider taking Mercury's Treads over Ionian Boots of Lucidity and getting Mercurial Scimitar against crowd control heavy teams.
- Youmuu's Ghostblade should be used after the 2nd hit of Broken Wings or during the last frame of animation of the 3rd strike to avoid losing precious seconds.
- Stacking Doran's Blade early game helps due to it's sustainability and AD.
- Riven is great for Twisted Treeline. Her strong early game, and mobility with her abilities help her to dominate top lane, as well as give her great ganking ability. She also performs very well in the jungle. After netting a couple of kills early, you should be able to snowball pretty hard.
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